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1748 poboskala

07. 05. 2020

1748 poboskala

2.5. 2020 4:29:30

sedelsomfčérapopoludní fparkepotlampúnalavyčke, popýjalpyvečko afajčildoutníček. premýšlalsomovecech aznášdúfamtenpocyt, keťsyvjacakopoldňa nevydelsvojudrahúpolovyčku avonasaktebe zrazupomalublýžy ačimvjactymvjac sazačínausmievať ašsanakoniec úplnerosžiary apoboskáťa.


svjétiloslnko, nádhernepopoludníteda atýmpádomajnádhernéženy fšadekadesomsapozeral. vjemvotem, žesymyslym, žesaspráfnedomnievam, žemalyfteplycach - špecyjélnefčérapopoludní fparkepotlampú slet. bolsomteda prýjemnezadumaný, rospytý ajrosfajčený aftemsajednastýchžjen stýmystýmvýrazom, akýsom popsalvyššyje, blýžylakumne. vodložylsompyfko ajdoutníček, fstalačakal ašmapoboská.


atieš, žehej, poboskala, alechlapa, čostálzamnou... 


1748 she kissed

I sat in the park yesterday afternoon under a lamp on a bench, drinking a beer and smoking a cigar. I've been thinking about things, and you know, I hope the feeling when you haven't seen your dear half for more than half a day and she's suddenly slowly approaching you, and the more she starts smiling until she finally gets completely hot and kisses you.


the sun was shining, so beautiful afternoons and therefore also beautiful women everywhere I looked. I know that I think I'm right to think they had a meeting in Teplice - especially yesterday afternoon in the park under a lamp. so I was pleasantly thoughtful, drunk and smoked, and one of those women with the same expression as I described above was approaching me. I put down my beer and cigar, got up and waited for him to kiss me.



and also that yes, she kissed, but the guy behind me...

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