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Leaden Symphony

12. 05. 2005

Neodolola jsem poté, co jsem viděla dokument o Beethovenových vlasech. Snad se mi to někdy povede přeložit...

Your fragile, wild and leaden hair

was a heavy hallo that you wore

miss Death geared her blackish mare

for her I opened up your door


Tears fell like a rain

what we fear the most is pain

Anguish was your sister

so close and sinister

as the deepest desire of one’s heart


Trapped behind the bars of your life

At one time the sound was knife

then just a needle far away

wicked laugh of fallen fay


She mocked you imitating your tantrums

weakness and fear

Blackish mare gallops

I sense her near


Scared of inner violence

to your gods you prayed

to merciless but rightful Fate

averting your gaze wishing for steady road

They put you in the cranky boat

Then sent it on the sea of silence


Delirious hermit heathen in his roots

with leaden rod he walks in leaden boots

you showed us the way: tones are our salvation

But what when body yearns for restoration

betraying you everyday?


I caress unruly locks

and feel that sadness, weight and lead

it shan’t take too long my dear

The guest I invited is here

it is you she mocks

Neighs the mare I shout at her:

Stop whore you don’t have the right!

You’re here to show us bright way through the night;


Your music fulfilled the room and outshone all the other things. 


The Death in sudden awe and dread

slowly inclined her dire head

in the lightest of all bows 

The human’s soul was given wings


Your fire fed the oven

whose flame shall lighten up our days

Melodies are glittering stars

I wept seeing the price you pays

Then I closed your tired eyes

‘twas last time my shaking hands

cooled the burning face

Sleep well, Beethoven…


1 názor

Umíš pěkně anglicky :-)

14. 05. 2005
Dát tip
Tak to hle nedávám :( My English is so bad :)

12. 05. 2005
Dát tip
Oh, I love it!!! T. Také jsem ten dokument viděl, bylo to dost silné, Tvá báseň mi to pěkně formulovala. Okamžitě jsem si ji, s dovolením, skopíroval, to nedělám často. Beethoven je můj nejoblíbenější skladatel :-).

12. 05. 2005
Dát tip
...yes, sleep my B. baby....

12. 05. 2005
Dát tip
Pb Pb Pb genius! taky jsem to včera viděla, musel dost trpět

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