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Sunday morning insomnia

16. 01. 2006

Kratucke, ale pravdive

I really want to sleep. I really do. I think it’s not that hard to understand- everybody sleeps in on Sunday. I usually go to bed (but not to sleep) at about 3 a.m. on Saturday nights, and naturally I need at least 8 hours to sleep… but not 4. But 4 is exactly the number I’m getting simply because some moron down on the street has decided to start listening to his car radio. I don’t know how much he paid for it, but I can hear it clearly right here – 5 floors above him. And he obviously has a CD player too in that car of his because he’s playing the same song over and over and over and over again. It’s some song from “Blue”. You know them – another one of those boy bands that is comprised by a few good-looking fellas with little talent who sing dull songs about a lot of dull things (without ever writing a single lyric or composing a single note). My apologies to all of their fans, but boy did this song suck! But hey, I can put up with that if I didn’t have to listen to it 1 254 398 times in a row on a Sunday morning. After I hear the song so many times, that I basically know the lyrics, I decide to finally get out of bed to look out the window on our DJ. I just see a car with it’s door opened and a guy lying in there listening to the song. It gets better. This guy started listening to the song at cca 7 a.m. To say that I get pissed the fuck off after I realize it’s  9.02 a.m. is a pretty big understatement on my part. Two fuckin’ hours – one fuckin’ song – from 7 to 9. On occasions like this, I have to wonder whether or not God exists. Because if he does I don’t know why the fuck did he allow an abortion like that guy to even smell the air on our planet. I hate these kind of incidents. And this is the way my Sunday kicks off. Boy is that a shaky start...
to nejde...toto je umelecke dielo!!!!...Prekladal snad Capote sam svoje knizky?!...na vidis, ty betar jeden...

tak tu mas to tvoje avizo...je dobre?

Měl chytit cihlou do střechy... za těch 5 pater by už měla slušnou rychlost...

17. 01. 2006
Dát tip
mě furt řve pod voknem něaký děcko....fajn, Blue sou asi horší....:))

mno, mam pocit, ze jsem tam zahlidla par chybek, ale jinak super... myslim, ze se do toho umim vzit... kinda depressive... * :)

16. 01. 2006
Dát tip
ty vole poslouchat BLue to je prostě Blueééééééé :)))

To teda je...a este ked si chces pospat...proste pohoda

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