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Love story

26. 03. 2002

asi před třemi roky jsme měli úkol na angličtinu...použít fráze týkající se lásky, zamilování, rozchodu...trochu jsem si s tím hrál...a vzniklo tohle...

yesterday my girlfriend broke up with me

she told me : „i know that you cheat on me“


she even said that i’m a womanizer

however i came away none the wiser


i didn’t comprehend it over and over

i always loved her and now it’s all over


it was sunny and i began to cry

‘Cause i was lonely and i wanted to die


afterwards i saw a lovely girl in the night

i directly knew it is love at first sight


when i saw the fire in her eyes

i looked on her legs and i found them nice


the God asked me : „have you not enough of love ?“,

but i told him i just fell in love


i began to make love to her at once

she was in doubt so i said : „let’s take one’s chance“


we agree that we will together date

she introduce herself to me like Kate


now we are having a date every day

and we’re often lying together on the hay


we like to watch the stars up in the sky

and i want to be with her till we die


i believe that she will never dump me

and the word „end“ i will never see

01. 04. 2002
Dát tip
zas o tolik si neprisla...ale chyba nebyla na me strane...nejaka chybka pismaka...uz jsem to opravil...

30. 03. 2002
Dát tip

29. 03. 2002
Dát tip
Hmmm skoda ze z toho nic nevidim...

26. 03. 2002
Dát tip
je to takové přiblblé... tu a tam Ti hapluje rýmový řemeslo, ale hlavně je to strašně strojený, váíš? ;o) m.

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