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The bigest fool...

07. 04. 2002

Na melodii od Mellow Trax


You´re seeking my love again

You´re seeking my love again

You´re seeking my love again

You´re seeking my love again


I´m the bigest fool on the world

I´m the bigest fool on the world

I´m the bigest fool on the world

I´m the bigest fool on the world


I want spent with you all my life

Can you borrow me your best knife

we will be free like birds in trees,

love is bleeding straight on it´s knees.


I´m the bigest fool on the world

I´m the bigest fool on the world

I´m the bigest fool on the world

I´m the bigest fool on the world











11. 04. 2002
Dát tip
I needn't any bet, if I know myself!!! :o) I know that I'm the biggest foool in the whole space! :o) And gambling is forbidden :o)))

10. 04. 2002
Dát tip
Nuitík: How can you know it? Would you get bet? Just try it!

09. 04. 2002
Dát tip
You canť be the biggest one, if I'm living :o)))

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