Československá literární komunita

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Thank You

11. 06. 2004

jiz jsem 3 roky v Americe, tak pisu anglicky. Doufam,ze nekdo porozumi.

    Thank You


In a smoke of the cigarette

I gave up myself

for your feelings.

There's nothig left.


In a smoke of the last cigarette

I try to breathe,

but nothing, nothing left.


I used to have. . .

We used to be . . .



22. 06. 2004
Dát tip
diky za kritiky. Cesky preklad by nedaval smysl. musim se vratit k cestine, jen to nejak nejde. Jsem "all messed up".Diky za porozumeni Thalion.

11. 06. 2004
Dát tip
Hey you, I'm in Canada now the tenth month, so I time by time write something in English as well. I guess, they should make a little place for all those who actually write in English, cuz that's simply something totally different and it does deserve its place, although this is a Czech server... To the poem... Hard to tell what you ment. It's really broad considering that it's a lyric poem. I can imagine a bit whatsu're saying but don't wanna just give it a shot without understanding enough. I'll put up something here too. Pop by, I'm looking forward to you. I'll follow your work too. See ya

11. 06. 2004
Dát tip
Jistěže porozumí, nejsme až takoví zabedněnci ... ;o) Tak či tak ... to dílko je strašlivě patetické, pakliže to byl záměr, povedl se. ;o)

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