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Deaden Feelings

13. 06. 2004

No longer beautiful.

No longer safe.

Fearful partner,
with surname Rave.

Eats my nerves.
Rips my identity.

In love mazed.
In no need for pity.

Pain is the same,
bunch of idle pain.
(In background is woman.)

Killing scent of female.

No longer love jag,
no longer kiss.

Future is nagg.
Timeless meekness.

Love is the same.
Missing equity.

Illusions and shame.
Of twenty four -
years old female.

No longer satanic.
No longer black.
No longer unearthly,
only cachectic,
white, red,
and unhealthy

Life is the same -
pack of lies.

Awkward fames.
Freedom maimed.

In requisite grimaces;
no one feels lame.

No longer night,
no longer heaven:
is my primary might.

(I am not beloved.)

Feelings are deaden.
22. 06. 2004
Dát tip
hmmm........I like it...TIP

13. 06. 2004
Dát tip
Again pain - adhere to..

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