Československá literární komunita

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16. 06. 2004

Years and years
with wooden heart
life in cage
acrimonious tears
inside agression
some black carbon
soul in rage.

Partners pride
empty and dead time
styled in achromantic feelings
just sudden
just might
just new
just sweet surprise
on twentysixth - July.

cold breeze of
romantic shyness
eternal tease - reborn in vital life;
during onehundredtwentythreedays.

I know, for you - its early morning now:
sunrise rays; on your lips -
love so tight embraced -
Earl Grey tea,
souls grace,
sentiments are suave,
chocolaty sweet
& everythings real?

Day by day
two wooden hearts burn
inside is passion
so much room
for no apprehension
just for dreams - to return.

I dont borrow dreams to you
take them please forever, geez
please dont lend me anything too
I want them forever - dedicated.
18. 06. 2004
Dát tip
No vzala jsem si na pomoc trošku slovník, ale u některejch slovíček je tolik významů, že jsem to někde moc nepochopila...

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