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Gardens of Eden

15. 06. 2004

\"Najhlbsie tuzby su vzdy nepomenovatelne.\" E. M. Remarque

Made love on the edge of a steel morning
only red lamps were shining
through our windows
Your white skin on the bed full of black feathers
I remember.. the air was heavy

When I`m with you, it`s like a walk
through the Gardens of Eden

As the dawn was breaking, we played a role
The darkness lifted - I was like a guerilla
I scratched you
Your silver tears flooded us in blue sarcasm
I remember - the sun was angry

When I`m in you...

Now, the birds are once more hanging out
To sing about passion in their old places
just like in a God`s screenplay
You colonised my heart with a porcelain armour
I remember - the mosaic of your body
I remember ... (nothing more) ...

When I was in you, it was like a walk
through the Gardens of Eden...
23. 07. 2004
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Thanks a lot;)

18. 07. 2004
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I remember ... (nothing more) ... It seems to me IT´s always the sweetest experience when you don´t know where you´ve been, with no remembrance hanging on your mind - just pure warmness and enchantment - wordless... I wonder which of your pictures are just fantasies...Wishing you a beautiful (day/night)dreaming...*

17. 06. 2004
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krasnoocko: a musi byt? :)))

No když zahrady rajské :))) Nemusí ale chybí mi.

16. 06. 2004
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zkousel sis to zpivat?

čekala jsem hada a není, nebo se mýlím?

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