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Moje příspěvky do hodiny ELL

22. 10. 2005

Zde je malá ukázka toho, co mě moje učitelka ELL která mimochodem dřív byla modelka a teďko pobíhá před tabulí v lodičkách od Manolo Blahnika, přinutila napsat:) pod pohrůžkou toho že mi sníží známku z A na A-.

Monetary Love                                                                                                                

She fell in love with many guys,

Cuz of things each of them buys,

She told them such thousands of lies,

Eventually she always cries,

And gradually she dies.

Moje reakce na jisté výplody "the greatest poet ever" Reemy Jones

Love, love, love

Im makes me laugh,

How Reema writes about the love,

How she flies in love above,

It makes me really really laugh.

A konečně na závěr, delikátní pokus o bajku.Samozřejmě jsem nijak neplánovala poškodit slovutného Ezopa ani se ho nijak dotknout...je to řekněme taková lehce zdegenerovaná bajka.

To Love and Live


            Once upon a time there was small town hidden in the middle of the nowhere in the mountains. In this town, which was made up of wooden cottages, there lived young girl called Jane. Jane was the daughter of a rich lawyer. She was really pretty and quite popular with others, however, sometimes she felt alone. Her mother had died many years ago and her father was always busy.

            One day, there was a celebration in the town. A new church was to be opened and it was really big event for everyone. There were not many things going on in the town that time.

Jane wore her best dress, new shoes and splendid necklace her father had given her. While dancing with other girls she noticed a handsome tall guy in the crowd. Well, she must have seen him before but somehow she most probably had not realized how handsome he was. She immediately fell in love with him.

            The boy also noticed her, of course, the only reason he went to the celebration was Jane. He had loved her secretly since he was only thirteen years old. Unfortunately he as a member of the lower class had not had many opportunities to meet the daughter of town’s richest man. The boy was named Michael. He lived in the tiniest cottage in the town near a forest. It had dirt floor, broken windows and damp walls. Water was always leaking inside through its fragile roof.

            Soon after the celebration Michael got sick. Severe winter weather was coming, and his family’s cottage was almost as cold as the air outside. Sadly, his poor parents couldn’t pay for his health care and what was more, he even had to go to work everyday though he was sick. His family couldn’t afford anything like a vacation.

            Meanwhile, the girl still hesitated, whether to tell him of her love. Surely, there was a huge gap between her family and the boy’s family, but her father was a wise, respectful and very kind man. The reason that she hesitated was her uncertainty with her feelings. She had never experienced something like that before. It was new, exciting a confusing at the same time.

            Eventually Michael was too weak to perform his job. He lay in bed and thought of her. She was his hope, his beautiful angel, his sense of life. He wasn’t confident enough to tell her.

Terribly bleeding, coughing and suffering from pain he began to think that his pretty fairy ignored him. At that time, he lost the last reason to live. His hope and soul full of love were gone. He was getting weaker and weaker. Every evening he watched the faded grey dull cloudy sky from his window and thought of the world’s injustice.

            Jane always woke up with one single thought. Today she was going to visit that handsome guy and tell him about her feelings. Despite this, every morning she changed her plans. There would be plenty of opportunities to tell him she thought. She was only seventeen and life seemed to be really long to her. She was dead sure that once she would tell him.

            One of those wintery mornings Jane heard the bells of the new church. It was sad, funeral chimes. For a second, she remembered her mother. She did so whenever she heard that chimes. She asked her father, he as a lawyer so was aware of the happenings in town and who had died. Her father replied unconcerned that Michael the shepherd’s son from that tiny cottage near forest had died.


24. 10. 2005
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hals maul!

24. 10. 2005
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Ich verstehe nicht!

23. 10. 2005
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