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The Dune

17. 11. 2005

The Dune was written in 1965 by Frank Herbert. This is a science fiction story, that tells us about one planet in a galaxy far, far away. The planet is called Arrakis. This planet belongs to a planetary kingdom and is under control of the emperor. On Arrakis there is sand everywhere, here also lives a little bit strange, huge animal, the sandworm, which can be even one hundred meters long. The most precious think in the space is the spice. If there isn’t any spice the Space Gild won’t be able to fly between the planets, the trade will stop, some communities won’t exist and many people will die, because the spice is an addictive drug, that extends live. So the spice must flow. The spice is found only on Arrakis, and so it is most desirable planet in the kingdom. On every planet there is a governor, who is chosen by the emperor, from one of the many houses in the kingdom. On the beginning of the story the governor for Arrakis is from house Harkonnen, but in a couple of months the government of the Arrakis is given to house Atreides. Harkonnens don’t like this decision, persuade the emperor and try to kill Atreides and make revolution. The revolution is successful, but fortunately Paul Atreides, the son of the duke Atreides escapes. He joins the natives. They are called Fremens and they know how to live on the Dune, which is theirs name for the Arrakis. Paul learns how to survive in the desert and learns the effect of a large number of the spice. He becomes precognitive sense. With the help of the Fremens he defeats the Harkonnens, the emperor’s forces and becomes the new emperor of the planetary kingdoms.

Za ten film se Lynch dodnes stydí...ale ta kniha (knihy) je (jsou)naprosto geniální.

Mne tvoja pouzita anglictina vzhladom na to, ze je nou pisana kritika k zlozitej knihe dost jednoducha. Ale inac fajn. Ja som knihu necital, ale som videl Lynchov film a to bolo teda dost drsne psycho. Pekny den.

21. 11. 2005
Dát tip
velice stručný výtah ano:-) koření musí proudit:-)

20. 11. 2005
Dát tip
dle mého názoru Dunu nelze popsat takhle jednodušše na několika řádcích, navíc jsi vyzradil všechno a nezmínil to podstatné (vztahy, "poezii" Duny apod.). Co se Tvé english týká, tak souhlasím se Zámotkem...a nepochopil jsem jestli to má být recenze, nebo jen náhled, či pohled, nebo shrnutí...

20. 11. 2005
Dát tip
Více či méně by to mělo být jen to shrnutí, byla to jen taková menší pohnutka mysli. Duna se snad ani popsat nedá, když si to člověk nepřečte, nepomůže mu sebelepší recenze..

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