Československá literární komunita

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01. 05. 2006
Storm in my vains I´m sneaking around again my drunk desire sets me on fire You are bounded by my hair I´m a shape-shifter receiveing just everything Vibe me with your voice we have no other choice Suffocate me with single kiss Suffocate me with who comes first For the first time I saw you I felt "in love" I saw you again and you killed all my hopes What do you have from my pain ?! Now we made it nothing left to feel can you fake it for one more time? Count the speed of sound rolling the streets you famous boy
01. 05. 2006
Dát tip
ty hele nešlo by to hodit do češtiny? to vypadá jako hrozně dobrej text asi, ale já s angličtinou ňák moc nekumštuju

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