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The World Of Death Is Calling

31. 03. 2007

Toto je moj prvy text, takze si o nom bohvieco, nemyslim :p Ale predsa ho sem davam, nech to je vsetko kompletne a v poriadku.. Text zobrazuje dve postavy. Jedna z nich musi opustit tento svet, zatial co ta druha to uz urobila davno. Vyjadruje pocit opustania veci, co milovala a strach z noveho a neznameho...

The World Of Death Is Calling


Give me the one opportunity,
only for a last time, tell me why?
Whatever I’ve done in this lifetime…
A living souls will lose all hope,
the dead ones will not be forgotten.
Demons are behind you, your spirit inside their eyes…
They will be with you, to the end of time.


Ghosts are in the world of men,
you must follow, you must leave to the Dark Wizard’s land…
What did you know is lost,
What did you love is dead..
You feel only the Death, no sadness..


I’m falling to the dark passion,
how can I make memory? I don’t wanna fall!
Be my destiny, we will falling free… Falling to our dying fate.

Ghosts are in the world of men,
You must follow, you must leave to the Dark Wizard’s land…
What did you know is lost,
What did you love is dead..
You feel only the Death, no sadness..

Come to me…


Do you hear? This is the voice..
This voice is closer and closer… Closer to you..
...going to burn your life, bring you to the Forsaken Lands.
Than listen to it and wait for your task.

Ghosts are in the world of men,
You must follow, you must leave to the Dark Wizard’s land…
What did you know is lost,
What did you love is dead..
You feel only the Death, no sadness..

Come to me…

Ghosts are in the world of men,
You must follow, you must leave to the Dark Wizard’s land…
What did you know is lost,
What did you love is dead..
You feel only the Death, no sadness..

Come to me! You have to do it!
The world of Death is calling….

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