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"Snad" - text: vol_666

09. 04. 2008

White Future
(pracovní název "Snad")

Shift all the black away and draw me new world
Where no-one’s having a flu
And the moon is blue and the grass is not true

Run your feet bare and hands and the head in pool
I never hear you prove
That you’ve really lived in the main stream of gloom

Sky- you want to fly but always stay on the floor
Where devil itself was born
Trees are white and I can’t go up-down no more

Up, up the stairs and unto my face
Spit your forty-percent, forty-percent dreams

Why you´re still hoping this world will be all right
The family tree is gone
And the new age’s beast has grown and run

Sky- you want to fly but always stay on the floor
Where devil itself was born
Trees are white and I can’t go up-down no more

Up up…

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