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It Should not Hurt, but It Does

19. 09. 2001

9.10.2000 I thought so then and now I still do think so.

When in love it should not hurt

-       but it does!

Onmipresent feeling that it may not be true

-       and I will lose again

Knowing too well

that I should not feel that way

(and that brings me down)

But I cannot help it at all

(oh, so much I wish I could)


Our Egos are so strong

and tantalizing


-       crashing into each other


(and with each crash bigger pain comes too)



neither of us knows

how to avoid it

how to save our souls

(protect us,

 give us some peace)


-       so we get closer.


And hurt each other again.


we feel sorry

and so so helpless

(and so sad)

and we wish we knew

what to do

-       to stick us together

-       to get rid of that friction and that stress


which destroys


our happiness


-       we could achieve otherwise.


When in love it should not hurt , but it does..............

02. 10. 2001
Dát tip
JTi, sorry nemám, ale you could have a go and compose some ;-)

30. 09. 2001
Dát tip
Super slova na písničku, nemáš na to noty?

19. 09. 2001
Dát tip
It wouldn't be love otherwise... love hurts..!! Rather an essay than poetry, I like it. Good luck!

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