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15. 01. 2012

when i trying wrote these stuffs about history was a help my cutes hahaha well is interesing and more curiosity and horror too ;))


Sometimes the adversities of life begin in a different way that weusually spend the day in the streets, who can say when the irony and comedy is part of a story. My name is Alice and because I have 16, one day I decided to leave home earlier than usual, but had a dream that warned me something but I never understoodthat. I went to the art gallery and I watched the fascinating stories of those famous painters, and I thought my mind because I justcould not do something for which I distinguish as well as writers, poets, among many things that usually go through my mindI walked into the cafeteria to take a Mokaccino love on the roadfelt like someone to follow me turn around three times to look back, but could not get anyone, then I has a lady in front of me and gives me chance a clock never said a word, but I thought shewould want me to take on because it was something unusual. So good I sat in the park by the lake and started writing in some way I could express my feelings that I thought could not do it, I loved what I wrote and while there, I looked carefully clear the clock was very old and I I said if I see or inquire of the lady will give it him, to return home before dark and found a picture when I get in my bed did not know the person in the photo looked a lot like the woman who gave me the watch. When I opened the oldclock began as a way to remember my dream and pieces but I kept insisting that none of this made  sense. The next morning, godown the same road to go to school, I pair the same woman with the intention of showing a picture but just ask me go near theclock just said: "I ​​have no intention of telling you because you'retrapped and you know it makes two turns if you only have two days and two days if you find no meaning your memories will beerased over time.”N or say anything so I kept thinking that my way is what I have to remember in two days what is the meaningof a memory, I remember only my father but that is the essence of memories, I spent hours Nonprofitand at night I had a dreamwere confused when I woke at 2:00 am and I was scared down to the basement with my books in hand, and decided to read a bit to see if I could stay more relaxed with it. But a letter he reveals the true story about the woman who gave me the watch to my surprise it was the best friend of my mother'sdreams or predictions that were very strong always had a mirror in my dreams. The next day they had spent the two days the clock struck two laps. When I walk to school as a daily routine I lost my memory of who he was ... two days later I awoke in the hospital and I saw myself was all a dream. All I found was a complicationwith the news to remind myself that I'm not normal. I saw myself in the mirror and was in a wheelchair at the clock and rememberedthe lady when I realized it was my aunt who was telling me the story. But I had the watch in my hand and looked perfect when I have no limits at all, neither in life nor in death.

2 názory

17. 01. 2012
Dát tip
thanks my cute love you so much <3<3<3

Love this my beauty is fantastic *

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