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13. 06. 2021

Prvý pokus o poeziu v angličtine

Faded in blue spark...

Faded in hue... 
Faded in silver lip...
Faded deuce... 
How lights went grey 
the shades laid back and disappeared 
on surfaces of hoarded emotions
So still and peaceful now 
covered with snow and cigarette ash
Emotions emotions emotions 
Used to put me and my body in... 
a spin 
Trying to hold a loose pipe which used to be a break on roller-coaster cart
a grotesque spear
like a a fart during a lullaby
brains went down to drain
Spiral is closing 
Gravity loop is throwing them away
That's the price for knowing to much 
and understand so little
Getting to close to sun
Picked the rose to soon
unable to maintain a loop year after year after year after year after year
All the wax is melted 
to high to proud
With all the feathers stuck to my back 
With another falling angels 
without the shame but not as loud
ready to take one last
Spin to kill a star

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