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Night - in - dale

05. 06. 2002

...and thus came the merciful dusk, hid the scattered bodies and brouht an oblivion to those, who had survived...

Once there came a storm in a form of a girl

She blew to pieces my whole entire world

Sometimes, I swear, I can still hear it howl

Down through the wreckage and the ruin

Deep in the forest of  Taur-nu-Fuin.


All I knew and believed in she changed

Waste lie now the sunny glades where together we used ro range

That times are now forgotten and gone (but not the pain)

There is a shaddow upon my mind and I deem

Nothing ever be so good as it might seem


The whole of herself I desired to keep

Emotions betrayed me, those so high and deep

And tormented and grounded me, for ever I let them die

Over it seems to be, the time of my life

I am ceasing, stabbed with a poisoned knife


Now there is a dawn of another night for me

I do not cry nor vail nor surrender nor flee

from the very sorrow, from the very pain

I shall be dark and grim and strong as steel

Give no pity, give no love, nothing I shall feel



There stands a Tower in the dreadful wood

Grief and horror and the wrath for good

And the black gate is shut

The merry tale has found its ruin

Deep in the forest of Taur-nu-Fuin.


07. 06. 2002
Dát tip
tak k tomu se vrátím, moje english je nic mnoho, takže mi chvilku potrvá, než to přelouskám :-)

07. 06. 2002
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Se vratte, bude me jen tesit... ;o)

06. 06. 2002
Dát tip
Vzala jsem si k tomu slovník, potom kamaráda a je to vážně dobrý:-))!!!! Udělal jsi mi radost........

05. 06. 2002
Dát tip
Jak jsem slibil...

05. 06. 2002
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jejku, to je hezké.....a oceňuju že psáno english! ten název mě přitáhnul, páč mi to přišlo jako Nightingale**

05. 06. 2002
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To bylo zamerem. Nechtel jsem to ale lamat pres koleno.

05. 06. 2002
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...a dekuju...

05. 06. 2002
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tak ten záměr se mi líbil..a nejni zač :o)

05. 06. 2002
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05. 06. 2002
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angličtině nefandím

05. 06. 2002
Dát tip
Jo, mě taky líbí, taky oceňuji angličtinu....:) Mimochodem, v názvu jsem taky tušil Nightingala...*

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