Československá literární komunita

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19. 03. 2003

Pain in soul,
got to be nicer,
to all people round,
and to myself too,
taking it from ground,
I hate what I do.
I'll have to find the light,
shining somewhere deep inside,
and bring it to the life,
or I'll end like insane.
I remember that light,
from when I was younger,
I remember it leading me right,
on my way from pain an' anger.
I do know why,
but after some time,
I started to be shy,
and commited  crime.
I killed that light,
threw it in the trash,
having on my mind,
that wants rather cash.
And on this journey
back to my soul,
my brain is burnin'
and thorns in a sole,
are fuckin' painin'.

20. 03. 2003
Dát tip

Awesome story, pal. It's pretty good, but it has no poetic stuff in it - in my opinion, 'f course. Although it's very good. And it's true that it's olny your mind... you can write whatever ya want... Thanks for your english! A TYPE:)

19. 03. 2003
Dát tip

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