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22. 03. 2003

Tuhle povídku jsem kdysi psal v angličtině pro člověka, který neumí česky. Nebudu ji překládat, mohl bych posunout původní smysl a navíc bych vás zbytečně připravil o originál. A pak - jsem líný.

“Can you tell me something, Mr Pirko? You’re accused, cose you’ve got money from eleven women. All of them told, that they gave you the money voluntarly, that means, you haven’t forced them. I spoke with them, Mr Pirko, and they are still in love with you! In spite of the fact you’ve left them with their money. Excuse me, Mr Pirko, I’m only a man and... Shortly, can you tell me your secret? How could you charm them so much?”

“My secret?” smiled Jaroslav Pirko, “Oh dear, my secret. You fell in love, didn’t you? (Policeman turned a little bit red.) But I’ve got no secret. I know that you didn’t want to hear this, but it’s the only one recipe to drive a woman mad of love: don’t be in love, you must want her or her money.

You see: you certainly know the Jehova’s witnesses or other companies, that want you to be really good person, to love nature and people and live in peace. My Goodness, live in peace! You couldn’t look on a menu in restaurant, if you listen to these nonsenses.But then they ask you: where will you go when you are dead? What will you do? You can be alone or with us. And they repeat it until you believe them.

And so it is with life before death: An average woman don’t believe you when you narrate her about love and deep feelings, and if they do, they only say that they’re sorry of you. But try to speak about marriage, about your shared home, offer a visit of theatre and ball - if you’re handsome, most of them will begin look on you with love in their eyes, they will be fascinated. Of course, you have to be at least a bit likable, but it isn’t so important. If you cannot offer more than your love, you can offer very few.”

The policeman shook his head: “You’re telling me about women without honest, who sell themselves. But I meant the common ones. How is it with the others?”

“I’m afraid there aren’t any others,” replied Mr Pirko. “You know, I told about common women, who will become faithful wives. But how can they know about your love if you don’t prove it with acts? How can they believe, that you tell them thruth? They can’t eat your love and listening to it is so boring. You have to become their fireplace, which will shine and warm them, you have to become walls, that will protect them. Then they will love you as they love their home.”

“It’s very strange to hear about acts from you,” smiled policeman.

“Yes, it is. But it is simple: What you begin, ends their fantasy.”

25. 03. 2003
Dát tip
Ano, na způsob antiky. Nejde o pobavení ale o myšlenky, to už dneska málokoho zaujme.

fádní - ---------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- - -- - - - - -

22. 03. 2003
Dát tip
nu, je to trochu chudý dialog, spíš na způsob antiky - monolog s přihrávačem... moc mě to nezaujalo... :)

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