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Bring out your dead

03. 11. 2003

Thomas (wacks the door open and wildely runs in):
Bring out your dead, bring out your dead!!! The war is over! Ding, ding, ding, ding. Bring out your dead.

Frank: That you Tommy? What happened? I‘m trying to sleep here. I had a rough night.

Thomas: Bring out your dead. Come on now. Don‘t be worry.

Frank (opens his eyes, watching Tom): Am I haluzinating Tom?

Thomas (ignoring Frank): We have a special discount! Three dead for the price of two! Don‘t hazitate, just bring them out! Ding, ding, ding, ding.

Frank (completely awake): Thomas, I was trying to sleep here and you come marching in out of yer mind yellin‘ about war and dead people!!! Tell me I‘m haluzinating otherwise you are the next to get wacked!

Thomas (stiffened, closely observing Frank): It‘s OK, it‘s not gonna hurt. Don‘t worry partner, we want to help you.

Frank: All I‘m worried about is you loosing your god damn common sense… or me haluzinating.

Thomas: It‘s normal, it comes in every life. It‘s not gonna hurt.

- Frank is just standing, puzzled, doesn‘t know what is going on
- Suddenly Tom jumps on Frank and starts wrestling with him.

Frank: Get of me you crayz fuck!!!

Thomas: We are trying to help you, don‘t fight it!

Frank: What do you want from me? You want money? What‘s wrong shmuck?

Thomas: Believe me it‘s normal, fight yourself, not me. I‘m here to help!

- Thomas manages to get a hold on Frank and drags him out of the room

Frank: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, FUCK OFF MAN!

- Frank manages to jerk out of the grip, both of them are standing in the hallway breathing heavily

Frank: What the hell happened? You can‘t do this shit to me you twisted motherfucker, I‘m just fine, I was just trying to get a good night sleep!

Thomas (sadly): Sorry Frankie, I thought you were dead man. And you said you were halucinating.

Frank: So if I ask whether I‘m haluzinating or not, that means your gonna mug my ass?

Thomas: I heard somewhere that people that are dying often halucinate, so I wanted to make dying easier man.

Frank (can‘t believe what he‘s hearing): Jesus Christ Tom, I can‘t believe what I‘m hearin‘.

Thomas: And besides Frankie it‘s halucinating, there‘s a C in the word, not Z…

Ding, ding,...
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