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Tahání Ludolfa za nos protisměrně

06. 04. 2008

S kamarádem z laboratoře O2 na hřebenech Krušných hor, bílou stopou dlouhým táhlým skluzem k lyrice Woody Guthrieho z Coney Island, na Wonder Wheel. Tuš pro The Klezmatics :)

Come When I Call You

Oh, will you come when I call you?
I’ll come when you call me.
I’ll call you at half-past one!
One’s for the pretty little baby that's
born, born, born and gone away.

Oh, will you come when I call you?
I’ll come when you call me.
I’ll call you at half-past two.
Two's for the love of me and you.
One's for the pretty little baby
that’s born, born, born and gone away.

Oh, will you come when I call you?
I’ll come when you call me.
I’ll call you at half-past three.
Three’s for these warships at sea.
Two's for the love of me and you.
One's for the pretty little baby
that’s born, born, born and gone away.

Will you come when I call you?
I’ll come when you call me.
I’ll call you at half-past four.
Four's for the guns of this war.
Three’s for these warships at sea.
Two's for the love of me and you.
One's for the pretty little baby
that’s born, born, born and gone away.

Oh, will you come when I call you?
I’ll come when you call me.
I’ll call you at half-past five.
Five's for these warplanes that fly.
Four's for the guns of this war.
Three’s for these warships at sea.
Two's for the love of me and you.
One's for the pretty little baby
that’s born, born, born and gone away.

Oh, will you come when I call you?
I’ll come when you call me.
I’ll call you at half-past six.
Six for the cities all wrecked.
Five's for these warplanes that fly.
Four's for the guns of this war.
Three’s for these warships at sea.
Two's for the love of me and you.
One's for the pretty little baby
that’s born, born, born and gone away.

Oh, will you come when I call you?
I’ll come when you call me.
I’ll call you at half-past seven.
Seven for continents blowed up.
Six for the cities all wrecked.
Five's for these warplanes that fly.
Four's for the guns of this war.
Three’s for these warships at sea.
Two's for the love of me an you.
One's for the pretty little baby
that’s born, born, born and gone away.

Oh, will you come when I call you?
I’ll come when you call me.
I’ll call you at half-past eight.
Eight for my eight billion graves.
Seven for continents blowed up.
Six for the cities all wrecked.
Five's for these warplanes that fly.
Four's for the guns of this war.
Three’s for these warships at sea.
Two's for the love of me and you.
One's for the pretty little baby
that’s born, born, born and gone away.

Oh, will you come when I call you?
I’ll come when you call me.
I'll call you at half-past nine.
Nine for the crippled and blind.
Eight for my eight billion graves.
Seven for continents blowed up.
Six for the cities all wrecked.
Five for these warplanes that fly.
Four for the guns of this war.
Three’s for these warships at sea.
Two's for the love of me and you.
One's for the pretty little baby
that’s born, born, born and gone away.

Oh, will you come when I call you?
I’ll come when you call me.
I’ll call you half-past ten.
Ten for the atom bomb loose again.
Nine for the crippled and blind.
Eight for my eight billion graves.
Seven for continents blowed up.
Six for the cities all wrecked.
Five's for these warplanes that fly.
Four's for the guns of this war.
Three’s for these warships at sea.
Two's for the love of me and you.
One's for the pretty little baby

that’s born, born, born and gone away.

Kdykoli zavoláš, tak to na mne padne, třebaže natažený na prostěradle, obuji svetr do kalhot, a hop, je půl třetí, skočíme do sedla jako na koně; svazoval nás malý svět, tak vzali jsme to zkratkou přes červenou na výlet, naše kola mají zaměnitelnou duši, že nikdo nic ani nezatuší, když ulehnu v půl druhé na lůžko.


Když voláš v neděli odpoledne, je půl jedné, nechám plavat lžíci v polévce, a už to jede; na Petřínskou vylezeme – vypustíme hejno vlaštovek vyskládaných z papíru, zakrouží sedmkrát kolem hlav, dřív než to vemou přes velkou louží do New York Times, lidem tam padají novinky jak pečení holuby rovnou do sloupečků novin. Zpět jsem před líným polednem, tak kdo by co mohl namítat.


A voláš-li v pátek v pět, kdy mi obvykle šéf mydlí hlavu přes internet, vstanu, v stavu plné zralosti do ústavu, hned jsem svolný šinout si to po schodech UTBéčka – a jéje,  snad jsme něco nepropásli, ve městě světla zhasly, a my na dálnici v protisměru, na mou věru, snad ještě není pozdě na záchranu, steering comitee stihnu do čtyř.


Kdykoli zavoláš po osmé, jak bych mohl otálet, volám obratem periskopem, přeci si nenechám ujít křtiny lodiček z Verneova románu, a jako vždy po šampusu, plní šarmu pošleme rodnému Podolí vzdušnou pusu, mezi máváním a pohazováním papírových čepic do větru z paluby parostroje. Měl bych zatloukat, ale to nebude moje, je středa a když vylodíme v přístavu, hodiny nad zdymadlem ukazují něco kolem sedmé.


A zavoláš-li za pět dvanáct, nemusíš se bát, že bych tě v tom nechal na holičkách – samého umírat, celkem bez podvodu, umírání bereme jenem spolu, ale je v tom bota, neb kolem jedenácté protáhneme skulinkou zpět do života, a tak na konec nikdy nedojde, stejně jako na zázrak …         

... that’s born, born, born and gone away.

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