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...somebody asks

05. 09. 2001

....M-e shortage of my first name....enjoy the reading ;-)

Day by day I wonder why I get up every morning

why I can't decide what is the most important thing

why I want this today

if I was after something else yesterday

why I wish to pace ahead and seldomly take a break

why so much time and energy - living and understanding have to take

why I run my head against the wall

and later hate for help to call

why I dream about the things I cannot have

why I am not worried about the death

why I can smell, hear, touch and see

why sometimes it is so hard  just to be

why the reality so often disappears

and when it gets back brings the tears

why could I sometimes almost die from desire to live

and later on drown myself in disbelief

why I want all that and this and much more

why I always want to push open the forbidden door

why I seem so distant and living in a faraway paradise

where the sun is always seen with the morning rise

why I ask the questions silently and wait for the answers that never come

why I am not satisfied with what it is now and rush the changes to be done

why it is so impossible to resist the challenge, the opportunity

and trash the peace and run wild towards the short-lived vanity

why I am unable to put aside my pens and hands

and be free to write all that in my head again and again bangs

then when I feel loose and write so much that I can't stop

scared that the thoughts would no more pop

why I always let the flow to drag me along

and change the melody of my heartbeat's song?


And the answers would not come and I would wait anyway,

and be sure I shall live my life only this fit-to-M-e way...

11. 09. 2001
Dát tip
tady na pismaku jsou posledni dobou k videni vselijaka dila v anglictine. vetsina z nich moc nema uroven. jinak vsak tato basen, klidne by ji mohl napsat rodily mluvci. mozna, ze jim jsi, mozna, ze ne. v kazdem pripade tip. jo abych nezapomnel zde je k nahlednuti ma posledni anglicky psana basen - Green in the desert. Enjoy.

05. 09. 2001
Dát tip
wander [vyslov wondr]=toulat se, vandrovat; wonder [vyslov wandr]=žasnout, být zvědav (1. verš) Bylo by lepší menší písmo, aby se verše vešly na řádek. Báseň sama je velmi dobrá, trošičku mi opakováním why... připomíná Kiplingovo If. TIP

05. 09. 2001
Dát tip
...opraveno, lepší? doufám :-) (ale v předloze to mám správně) Kiplinga neznám, vlastně jen ty dobrý anglický zákusky podobné našemu Metru, co se tak jmenují...

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