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01. 03. 2020

Somewhere in my head is the right place where I want to be.

Somewhere deep deep where nobody can hurt me

Somewhere in my head I feel safe enough I can be myself

But I lost this place a long long time ago


Somewhere in my heart is place where you belong

Somewhere deep deep where nobody can steal you from me

Somewhere in my heart I feel love so big that it hurts

But my heart is broken


Sometimes I can see you, but my ears are deaf because of beating heart

Sometimes I can hear your voice but all I can see is emptiness

Sometimes I can feel your kindness but I know it’s only a commiseration 

And there is nothing left for me

1 názor

01. 03. 2020
Dát tip

Just a grammar question: "is place where" - really an uncountable one? Place x Space?

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