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1809 jednokonečnýkabel

13. 07. 2020

1809 jednokonečnýkabel

7.7.2020 7:07:20 

akosomfteplycýchspýsal, žezajtrapovobedovačke ydemeskamošomzakamošom do arnold-tic na5dňovú cyklopyfnúrehabylytácyju, takfčéra, druhýdeňkúry salubosnažylpropojyť dostávajúcehosystéma (aterasmusym fzátvorkachvysvetlyť, žestávajúcasystéma sasestávala sprehrávača, zosylovačky, dvuchexterňákuch advochreprobedňoch, ktorúsmefčérasestávylymy, rešpektýfneja sapendyxom). natejystejkomode satiešeštenachádzala ajtelevýzyja, ktorútedachcal tenystýlubopropojnúť snoťasom atensobomadvoma apendyxovoma exterňákama. alefrosštvorke ušnebolomjéstoknapychovačke, takmuselvyškubnúťjednu, podľanejho volnomyšlenkárnejdúftipovačky, ftejchvylenepotrebnúkabelácyju jednéhoftejystejchvylej nepotrebného hudobnejaparatúry. podlchšejchvýločkezápolenija besradnezvolal:


"sakra, gdejeten druhákonieckabela?"




"jabysom potemkabelupostupoval vottehojednokonca amalbysom logyckydorazyť ktemudruhému, pokialsa aletedanejedná vojednokonečnýkabel."


1809 single end cable

as I wrote in Teplice that tomorrow after lunch my friend and I are going to arnold-tic for a 5-day cycle beer rehabilitation, so yesterday, the second day of the treatment, Lubo tried to connect to the existing system (and now I have to explain in parentheses that the existing system consisted of a player, an amplifier, two external discs and two speakers, which we assembled yesterday, myself and the appendix). there was also a television on the same chest of drawers, which the same person wanted to connect with the notebook and the one with the two appendix exteriors. but in the quartet there was no room for a needle, so he had to pluck one, according to him free-thinking wit, at that moment an unnecessary cabling of one at the same time unnecessary musical equipment. after a long moment of struggle he cried helplessly:


"Where the hell is the other end of the cable?"


the appendix advised him:


"I would then proceed from one end of the cable and I should logically reach the other, unless it is a single-ended cable."

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