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1811 velkáradosť!

25. 07. 2020

1811 velkáradosť!

9.7.2020 6:41:46

ušsypresnenepametám asdasmesavracalyksrubovačke s5ihodinovejcyklotúrky aleboseštedlchšjeho plácaňjanohama pokulturystyckych pam jatkách šyrokotlstého arnoldtickéhovokolja čylenskúpačky apárkubýrku snedalekejprýrodnejrezervácyjy, alekeťsompoložylvotásnik:


"vašychlórdstva, ktosydá kávovúlahodnicu?"


takluba, akobysomto terasmalpovedať? notakasytak, žematakmerzamračene aroszlobenesmerom kmejvosobepokáral:


"tyvole, játunánemusym donekoniečnapočúvať akotyfurtmeleš votemkafytyvole!"


anato apendyxpovedal:


človeksymusý urobyťradosť, pretožežyvotsaskláda smalychradostej avelkychprúserou."




"akafejeeštektemu velkáradosť!"


posdejšjesom lubumu  prečítaltútoklasu, keťsaeštepeklaftrúbe atentoma smalymvykryčníkompožjadal, nechešteprebohadopečem:


"tytotišbuťtokafepyješ alebohovarýš alebovoňom furtmeleš!"




atoeštektemufšemu tenystýlubo ftuchvýluanilen trochanetušil, žesom malsebú fcestofnomkufýrkovy prybalenýtakýšykofný malýručnýkafemlýnok.


1811 great joy!

I don't remember exactly anymore, perhaps we were returning to a log cabin from a 5-hour bike tour or from an even longer slap on the bodybuilding monuments of the widely thick Arnoldt surroundings or just from bathing and a couple of beers from a nearby nature reserve, but when I asked a question:


"Your lordship, who will have a coffee treat?"


so luba, how should I say it now? Well, maybe in a way that he scolded almost frowningly and angrily at me:


"Dude, I don't have to listen indefinitely as you keep talking about it, dude!"


and apendyx said:


one must make oneself happy, because life consists of small joys and great troubles. "


and I just added:


"and coffee is also a great joy!"


later I read this ear to Luboš, when she was still hell in the trumpet and he asked me with a small exclamation mark to finish baking for God:


"either you drink the coffee or brew it or keep talking about it!"




and to top it all off, the same lubo at that moment had no idea that I had such a clever little hand-held coffee machine packed with me in my travel suitcase.

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