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2004 nó, tourčite!

19. 01. 2021

2004 nó, tourčite!

18.1. 2021 9:35:39

yšjelsom kapendyxovynavyzyt apoprykubalovychuzenárstvu bolypryfjazaný dvajajorkšýry.  keťsomsaknimpryblýžyl, začalynamňa taknadávať, ašsomsypomyslyl, čozlésom patrneurobyl. naničsomsy alenefspomel, taksomyšjelďalej akeťsomýchmýňal, modlylsomsa, abybolydobrepryfjazaní. soprotijajšjehochodníka celútútosytuácyju pozeralychalan adijéfča, ktorým, keťsomsdárneprošjel, sompovedal:


"eštežeboly rjadnesfjazaní, ynakbyma asyrostrhalynakusy. "


achalan matopotvrdil:


"nó, tourčite!"


2004 well, for sure!

I went to visit Apendyx and, in addition to the Cubal sausages, two Yorkshire people were tied up. as I approached them, they started cursing at me so much that I thought about what I must have done wrong. but I did not remember anything, so I went on and as I passed them, I prayed that they would be well tied. from the sidewalk opposite this whole situation, they watched the boy and the girl, to whom, when I passed successfully, I said:


"even though they were properly tied, otherwise they would probably tear me to pieces."


and the guy confirmed it to me:


"Well, for sure!"

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