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Transparent night

20. 09. 2002

Transparent night

The wind sat on the tree and stopped whining. Black fingers of Night slipped softly on the ground covered with wishes, dreams and secrets. The sky was clear, but no stars appeared. Did God forget to hang them? Night took the whole world in its arms and Frost spread its breath all over it. The bed was wet from the nightmare sweat. The owls didn’t intent to stop making horrifying noises. Is there an exit from this chamber of terror? Yes, but we need a ray of light to find it. Where are those stars? Stars? He stole them. He needed them for a better reason. His wife was suffering from the loss of light. The loss of hope you mean? Yes… I think it’s good to sit here hopeless knowing our key for the way out of here is someone’s key for living. Are you ready to make that sacrifice? No, I’m too selfish when it comes to stars. They’re all I have. And all I need. They’re free and they’re always there for me. They never turn their back on me when I ask for their undivided attention. They always listen to what I say. And even when they are hidden behind the clouds, I know they are here, listening, watching… I wish everyone could see how happy I am to have stars. And I’m willing to share them with anyone as long as they stay up there where they belong.

The night was slowly coming to the closure. It was that certain moment before the very sunrise when the dark was darkest. Everything seemed lost, hopeless and encouraging. Even the owls were quiet. The hearts stopped beating-it seemed. No breath came out of the lungs. Just a moment further and death will surround us with its heavy coat. But the very next moment was a turnover. No one could imagine how splendid things could turn out to be. The first ray of sun was a shock. The second one- an unbelievable experience. And all the rest was incredibly great salvation.

20. 09. 2002
Dát tip
Hezky navozena atmosfera.:-)

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