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Letter from war

20. 10. 2005

Následující řádky se pokouší být fiktivním dopisem, zaslaným jistým vojákem své přítelkyni, ze západní fronty v roce 1944. Pokusil jsem se jej napsat v angličtině (z důvodu větší věrohodnosti a navození věrnější atmosféry), ovšem jsem si vědom, že má znalost není jistě dokonalá, proto buďte prosím tolerantní a v případné kritice se zaměřte spíše na obsah a kvalitu věrohodnosti. Díky. Pozn.:Překlad do češtiny a nějaká vylepšení jsou hotovy pod titulem ,,Dopis z války''.

Dearest Cindy,

                   I'm sorry I didn't write you sooner, but simply I couldn't. Last few days were really tough even for strongest guys. We finally reach Carentan. It had to be very nice place to live, before the war came here. Now, there are just empty bars, where silent ghosts endlessly drink their empty bottle of cheapest whiskey. We saw too many broken shop windows, houses, detroyed by explosions, where lied bodies of townsfolk, buried with their animals. It is a horrible view. Animals and people - how dead they are, how same powerless they are against such hatred and stupidity of our kind. You can smell death in the air. Smell of death, pain and horrible suffering everywhere you go. You can't ignore that, but this is the only moment when I'm glad, that I am so exhausted. It helps you don't think so much about such depresive things.

                  Unfortunetly, Germans didn't give us anything for free. We launched the attack with great resolve, however, Germans were ready and they welcomed us with their machine guns, grenades, sniper rifles and with all legendary german hospitality. I remember Hooks, running as some torch from a burnning toy shop. I remember Anderson, desperadly crawling across the street without his legs. And I remember Tony, as he cried and repeated his girlfriend's name, as he was dying. I'm sorry I write you, about these sick things, but I cannot get them out of my head. I would like to write you something funny, or more optimistic..about french wine or country..but bottles are broken and country is burned, cursed. I don't have any idea. The war looks endlessly. We are still too far from Berlin and I would be very surprised if Germans won't launch some massive counter-attack soon. I wish I could say, that I have some friends here in my squad, but Im afraid of making friends. Human's life means less then few bucks in most expensive casino. I don't want to lose other Wedge,Mike, or Tony. I guess guys from my squad got it and don't make no longer any other stupid jokes,'cause of that. I only pray that couple of us at least survive this hell. I want to see our house in Oklahoma and there our son, Michael, playing with your golden hair. But what I don't want is to watch him, as he grows up in world, where people's freedom is just a word from fairytale, made by Grimm Brothers. And if only way to prevent this is to kill people, that I don't even know and that are maybe more peaceful then I am, I will do it. I think about you every day and I swear I will take care of myself here in the middle of nowhere. I will return home, I promise, sweetheart.


Your Johnny 

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