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Eyes of death

14. 12. 2005

Napsala jsem to teď..je to text písně, který nevyzní tolik bez ozvěny v mikrofonu, psycho kytar a ten, kdo to bude zpívat musí řvát a brečet a šeptat a zrychleně dýchat a na konci se zhroutit, takže kdo to zvláde přesvědčivě ať se u mě hlásí a hlavně se mco nesmějte..jo a ten nápad není můj..to se že někdo vidí smrt v něčích očích a oni pak zemřou je podle skutečné události, skutečného člověka, mám od něj povolení a autorská práva na jeho pocity.

I was walking down the street..it was raining..I wanted to get home early.. but then..then I saw a man normal man he was wearing a jacket and he had a suitcase in his hand..But then I looked in his eyes and some strange strange feeling fleed me my breathing stoped for a second and then it became more faster unreal anxiety started running through my body I was shaking I was so scared..


Because in his eyes i saw i saw death!


The death was here it was here I feel it absolutely certainly he had written in his eyes that won’t take a long time and he will and he will..he will die

He dropped his yes and passed over me...for few minutes I was devoured by the horrible feeling...and then I forget


For three years I was asserting myself It didn’t happen and then the memory was rested foggy and only thing which stayed me was an occasional anixious feeling. But breaking event happened. I was waiting for my mother in a hospital.. she was worknig there...I never said her about a event on the street..and..and I sat down on a chair and on the table there were very old newspaper..I toke some and I opened them..and I saw a face of a man..where did I saw him..I couldn’t remember..the face was so known..there was written he died..some important man from a bussines...it was..it was..it was..him! the man from the street and I get frightened and I casted up my eyes from the newspaper..and I looked to the eyes of some patient


And in his eyes i saw i saw death!


The death was here it was here I feel it absolutely certainly he had written in his eyes that won’t take a long time and he will and he will..he will die

He dropped his yes and passed over me...for few minutes I was devoured by the horrible feeling...and then ..my mother came..


She was looking to me strange because I behave strange because I was shaking again..many patients was passing over me now and I had to look to their eyes and they were looking on me like I’m mad ..but some of them had written the death in their eyes..again! again! the feeling is here! too much too much! i can’t stand it! no! no! no! the death is playing with she don’t wanna me she just want me to suffer..hallucination..we went to the street..it was better..cold..noone here..my mother thought something wrong happened to me..I was paralysed..on the next sidewalk..there was my old friend with his mother...I had to..I had to look to her eyes..

And in here eyes i saw i saw death!


The death was here it was here I feel it absolutely certainly she had written in her eyes that won’t take a long time and she will and she will..she will die

She dropped her yes and passed over me...for few minutes I was devoured by the horrible feeling...and then started my own hell..


For the next months I didn’t wanna go out..I was to terrifed by the people..by the walking corpses..by the way..my mum was talking about a patient who died next day..I described the patient which I saw when I was reading the newspaper..It was him..I was locked in my room.. never go out..my parents were feared of me..so one day I had to go out.. I had to go to the psychologist..we went to the street..there were so many..so many old and ill people..the very long time repressed feelings brushed past to the surface..



I saw many deaths!


The death was here it was here I feel it absolutely certainly they had written in their eyes that won’t take a long time and they will and they will..they will die

They dropped their yes and passed over me...for few minutes I was devoured by the horrible feeling...and then and then and then and then..


I was running back to the house..I was trying to catch my breath..and I then I stopped againt the mirror..the mirror..the mirror..and then I stopped againt the mirror!! I saw my eyes..the were different..they looked like never before..they were big and full of red nerves...the nerves were growing..the bad feeling hit me in a big wave..I fell down and I was devoured by it in a cunvulsions..why? why me? what I did? what is my mission? why I got this ability? why???? I looked to the mirror again and I saw a big bloody stain...then the respite came..many colours..and light of the end of tunnel..I knew It is ending..it will be good now..back to the reality..pain, blood..and then I....
14. 12. 2005
Dát tip
hah tak to si musim precist nekdy v me silne jazykove chvilce...

14. 12. 2005
Dát tip
to není text text písně to je celé album, ne? jinak angličtina středoškolská

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