Československá literární komunita
Tak jako generace autorů před vámi, publikujte svoji psanou tvorbu. Podělte se o svoje názory a sbírejte zpětnou vazbu na svoje díla. Inspirujte se a učte od nejlepších.
Přidejte seParodické drama Once upon the time in the DOS
Bill Gates: Hi there, people in the Czech republic.
I am VERY glad you use Windows and you don't know
anything about the alternatives. Blue screens of
death are VERY nice and good for you health.
Danny: I don't fear you, stupid Bill. I don't
use your software.
Bill Gates: What? You stupid worm, you dare to face
King Bill? Your friendship with Lord Linus is
well known, you worship the prohibited Penguin
God... and now THIS! Beware!
My humble servants Dark Economist
Vaclav Klaus and Dark Shaman Vladimir Zelezny will seek
and destroy you!
Linus Torvalds: No, they won't. Danny, you are
a clever and brave boy. You are protected by
Light Magic of www.pismak.cz and www.linux.cz
and Slaves of Dark Lord Bill can't even touch you.
Bill Gates: Linus? You? I thought I killed you
in the Valley of The Illegal Operation.
Linus Torvalds: You can't kill me, you stupid
lamer! You have weak memory protection, your
Windows crashes... my Penguin Army is on the
Bill Gates: Dark Forces! I invoke you!
Cobol! Outlook! MS Office! Mc Donald's! VZP!
Telecom! Your Master is here and you have to fight!
Linus Torvalds: Angels of GNU! Poets of Pismak!
roots from www.root.cz! Nations of www.freeciv.org!
please help me.
Danny:Happy end is here.
Penguin and Linus Torvalds: wow! Brave New World!