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23. 06. 2011

Dílo vzniklo před čtyřmi lety a procházelo svým vývoje až do vzniku mé samotné kapely Pseudo Gods. Potom se text zhudebnil a nyní jej zpívám s obrovskou motivací a vnitřním rozpoložením, že někdy toho koho jsem miloval předělám tak, aby nebyl takový, jak jej popisuji v textu.



Try to lie them, but nobody trusts you

It’s beneath my dignity, I will say good bye

Rather leave this world

Because you waste my valuable time

You have a look like innocent human

But, Inside of you is wicked demon

I want him, to beat it away

 Shut up and nothing more to say

Open a gate for my hapiness, my satisfaction

 I hope, It’ll stay inside of me, forever



Everytime, when I see you

Ask myself, what’s goin‘ on

Everything seems to be wrong

Tell me, why do you hate me

Everytime I sing this song

So,I wanna be with you


My life is like a weather

During the time is growin‘ worse

That time has broken up my leather

Now, I wanna ride on my dreamed-of horse

To your ass


I wouldn’t  like be with another human like you

Because,I’ll have to killing

Thanks to demon, babe

The sound of beating heart trills  me

Too much, too much, too much



Everytime, when I see you

Ask myself, what’s goin‘ on

Everything seems to be wrong

Tell me, why do you hate me

Everytime I sing this song

I wanna be your shadow


Everytime I seek you

Tell me, where are you

Everything seems to be tricky

Tell me, where did you hide

I wanna find ya !!

You’re my masterpiece

1 názor

24. 06. 2011
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