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1940 deň blbec

19. 11. 2020

1940 deň blbec

15.11. 2020 8:15:18



"bolsomdnesfkaufláčy aupokladňachtamdákabápka, asytakces60, takámenšý aterasakoydeš túulyčkú autýchpokladňach sarosdvojuješ kjednejkase alebokedruhej, žejóftejfronte ateť fobochtamušniékto vykladalnapás, taktamstálatábápka avonamala ybatakýmalýpytlykspečyvom, aninemalakocýk aterastamstála, kusvotnichako. asydodržjavaladyštanc alebočo aváhalakuktorejkase máýsť - ktobuderýchlejšy? furtváhala, váhala ateras svobochstrán pryjelyľjuďja avona:


aletunásom stálaja?!


alepani, veťvyste tunánestála, vystestálavedľa!




taksachvýluhádaly apaksateda niekamzaradila. noapakjasomsyvykladal tosvojosbožo avonabolanaprotitejkase ateraszasapočujem:


alevystetotamnemala túprjehradkou!


predavačkajejzrejmenamarkovala zbožýňjékohoyného, pretožetamnemala túšprycly aterasvona:


alejasomjutam mala!!!


aletostemala ašzatim.


nie, nie tonie ajasasvamaniebudemhádať!!!


alezasasatampohádala akeťvotchádzala, taktofurteštekomentovala, hej apotemakovodyšla. ajasomsypovedal - dákahádavabába. asomyšjelkautu, votvorýmkufor aprekladámnákup azrazupočujem kúsokvodomňa:


tymrcho, stújmrcho, mrchostúj!!! vráťsatymrcho!!!


takvykúknem, čoje? atadydlectabába stojýuauta apovedá:


vonamnevodrela auto aujela! támlejede! támlejedemrcha!


ajasapozeral anaozajmala vodretýbokauta. taksomsypovedal, žetotedamalabápka deňblbec.


spolusmepotemkonštatovaly, žealemala eštešťjasťje, žesastalofčéra, čyže 14ehofsobotu, pretožekebyvodeňškvór, takbolofpjatok 13eho.


1940 day jerk

apendyx told me yesterday:


"I was in Kaufland and today

there is a grandmother at the cash registers, about over 60, so smaller and now as you walk down the aisle and at those cash registers you split into one cash register or the other, the doll and she only had such a small bag of pastries, she didn't even have a cart, and now she was standing there, a short distance from them. she probably kept her distance or what and hesitated to which cash register she should go - who will be faster? she kept hesitating, hesitating, and now people came from both sides and she:


but I was standing there ?!


but lady, you weren't a ton, you stood by!


well i was standing ...


so they argued for a while and then she joined somewhere. and then I interpreted my goods and she was opposite the cash register and now I hear again:


but you didn't have that compartment there!


the saleswoman apparently marked someone else's goods because she didn't have the compartment there, and now she:


but I had it there !!!


but you had it behind it.


no, no it's not and I won't argue with you !!!


but she quarreled there again, and when she left, she kept commenting on it, hey, and then after she left. and I said to myself - thank you grandmother. and I went to the car, opened the trunk and translated the purchase, and suddenly I heard a short distance from me:


you bitch, stand bitch, bitch stand !!! come back you bitch !!!


so let me see what it is? and here the grandmother stands by the car and says:


she rubbed my car and drove off! there he goes! There's a bitch going there!


and I was looking and she really had a frayed side of the car. so i thought it was so grandma had a jerk's day.


together we then stated that she was still lucky that it happened yesterday, ie on the 14th of Saturday, because if the day of the scoring had been Friday, the 13th.

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