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Between the dreams and snowflakes

02. 12. 2012

Otrepane ja viem., len som sa chcela pohrat.

Once upon a time.

Ages ago.

There was a princess.

Living in a fairytale kingdom.

A little girl with a beautiful smile.

Perfectly happy and loved.


But as the years passed,

Little princess grew up.

Perfection  was left in past,

And the kingdom was lost.

She had to face pain, fear and lonliness, 

Moving from place to place.


Trust  is a word,

That’s forgotten in her world.

She’s lost her prince,

It’s like she cannot live ever since.


She wakes up every morning,

Surrounded with tears,

And goes to sleep,

Shaking and hopeless.


And sometimes,

She wishes she could fly,

High to winter sky,

Between her dreams and snowflakes.

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