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Omnisong...in progress(new update!)

01. 09. 2020

Jedná se o rozpracovanou qeer píseň. Smíšené a zvrácené pocity jsou očekávány a vítány.

All my live I try behave,

Good Job, spiritual live, Charity,

blind my self in cave,

to don't see world plurality.


I write you this song

To explain how much I feel wrong...

I write you this song

To explain what is real,...

To tell you I am queer.


I fall in love

in Jesus Christ

He holds mi tight

his dick was inside


It was so much more

I fell in love,


I write you this song

To explain how much I feel wrong...


Once one day I was outside

and I really wanna dance

No more to be tied.

To get to high and was playing drum and base

Cocaine, weed and LSD.

Everything was colorful a nothing was really real.


I meet them here,

one guy and one girl,

We were really happy and air smell like a fun.

We were sweat,

and our close was in nastily

we put them away completely

and dance more freely than any time before.


Then we lay in grass,

fell so love.

He was in me and I was i her,

Fell so much love,

like anytime before...


I write you this song

To explain how much I feel wrong...

I write you this song

To explain what is real,...

To tell you I am queer.


And one day I meet it.

She or He was really messing me.

Half man and half of girl.

It was really sensual and really need to meet it.

And so away from normal.

be with one asexual.

And I feel so loved.

And I never be in her and he was never been in me.

That was deal but worth to take,

to fell that love which never has a end.


I write you this song

To explain how much I feel wrong...

I write you this song

To explain what is real,...

To tell you I am queer.

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