Československá literární komunita

Tak jako generace autorů před vámi, publikujte svoji psanou tvorbu. Podělte se o svoje názory a sbírejte zpětnou vazbu na svoje díla. Inspirujte se a učte od nejlepších.

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19. 04. 2003

bez milosti....

Vo večnej dezilúzii,
v temnote vekov stratený,
v zbesilej nenávisti,
šialenej mysle...
naveky zhanobený.


V nevinnej krvi sa bažiaci,
v úbohosti vlastnej duše..
Nenávidený a opovrhovaný..
V pohľade vraha
večným plameňom horiaci..


Bezmocne padajúc

do útrob pekelných...

V poslednom povzdychu

psychedéliou snov pohltený...

hynúc pre lásku smrteľnú...

Upadá do temnôt večnosti...


27. 05. 2003
Dát tip
Anonym87 nevie o com hovorí. Nedaj sa ním odradiť.Neboj sa minimalne jedneho citatela tu vzy najdes co sa ta zastane. (Hadaj koho :)) ) páááá. :))

10. 05. 2003
Dát tip
ano pride a je strasne fajn

09. 05. 2003
Dát tip
sice upada ale vzdy pride nas5.aj v tom je jeho caro:o)*t*

08. 05. 2003
Dát tip
si fakt skvela Neewoa :) o pár rokov bude o tebe vediet svet :))

02. 05. 2003
Dát tip
Eeeek! :-)*

Achhh ... I feel good! Já tě prostě můžu :o)) Si Great!

26. 04. 2003
Dát tip
tak tohle je přesně tak napsáno jak jsi to představuji já!!!!! §§§as§a§sa§s§as§as§as§a§sa§s§as§a§s§a§s§a§sa§s§as ********************************************************************

Jo, konečně je tu něco, co stojí za přečtení :-) tip

23. 04. 2003
Dát tip

20. 04. 2003
Dát tip
Alcohol is in my veins Tears fall as I think of you The true memory you left me with Is a key to the wine of melancholy I drown myself in the deepest of sorrows As you hurted on that stake they burnt my soul as well Your pure feelings, your pure hate, it was not enough Natassia, my beloved ***satanic witch The power in your eyes and yourself Worked for the numble in men Pass the bottle, pass the knife Pass me your unholy crafts I shall never forget you, the best of all there is I lick your cold lips, I embrace your coffin as I sigh in woe You never kissed the priest, you never drank the blood of jews Weird, they say - well, turn it upside down like you did And they kill, kill, and they take you away... Now, centuries later, I do yours and my sign You live in me, like you moved in with my soul Your resurrection is the spirit of you - installed in me So now, your thoughts and your pain are my wine And Natassia, I'll get these goddamn angels drunk... Alcohol is in my veins Tears fall as I think of you The true memory you left me with Is a key to the wine of melancholy I drown myself in the deepest of sorrows As you hurted on that stake they burnt my soul as well Your pure feelings, your pure hate, it was not enough Natassia, my beloved satanic witch The power in your eyes and yourself Worked for the numble in men Pass the bottle, pass the knife Pass me your unholy crafts I shall never forget you, the best of all there is I lick your cold lips, I embrace your coffin as I sigh in woe You never kissed the priest, you never drank the blood of jews Weird, they say - well, turn it upside down like you did And they kill, kill, and they take you away... Now, centuries later, I do yours and my sign You live in me, like you moved in with my soul Your resurrection is the spirit of you - installed in me So now, your thoughts and your pain are my wine And Natassia, I'll get these goddamn angels drunk... Lucia z temnoty zrodená, máš fajn štýl, ****

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