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1703 pozor nabradu!

19. 03. 2020

1703 pozor nabradu!

18.3. 2020 5:43:21

túto klasu spysujemprefšetkých, čosymyslyja, žeýmdákykonkrétnyčlovek neotpovedánaposdrau. akofšetké afšecyvjéte, taksomsaniekedy fmynulosti presťahovaltuná, čoterasbydlym. takateťuš totedavjéte. počasesom začalsdravyťľudej, uktorýchsomsyfšymol, želozídostejnéhofchoda. vyškytolsapomedzynima hlafnejeden, ktoréhosomsyzapametal akoprvého, pretožezaprvýmal amástáleknírek azapátý zakaždým, keťsomja yšieldobaráka alebosdomova, takvonvenčilpesa.


tiešzakašdým somhoposdravyl, alevonmanikdy. taksomho asypopólrokuprestal avotonechdádofčéra somhonikdyneposdravyl. aterasdávajbedlyvýpozor, alenienabedle, nonato, čotispýšem aleboračipovjem, čiženatoto:


nedáfnosmeyšly nachodníkovy protisebe ybamytraja (afzátvorkachmam, žepočitamypesa) anebolomožno kamsavyhnúť, taksomho zasajednúposdravyl avelycepozornesledoval. mymykukníra malstálerofnakú enemvopólstupne vohnulbradukekrku. čižepretpokladám, žetentonesmysel jejehospósobsdravenija atedamamožná táktosdravylstále. jasomnaneho, pretoženenipeknážena, aušvóbecnie ausgeréchnetpresne najehobradu tehoasypólrokanepozeral ataksomsadomnieval, žejenevychovaný amanesdravý.



takže akosymyslyš, žeťakdokoľvek čikterákolyfnesdravý, skúsposdravyťešteras abedlyvosleduj, čorobýsbradú!


1703 watch the chin!

i write this story for everyone who thinks that a particular person does not respond to salute. like everything and you all know, i have moved in a lot in the past, which i live now. so now you know. over time, i began to greet people i noticed that they were entering the same entrance. there was mainly one of them, which i remembered first, because first had and still has a mustache and fifth every time i went to the house or home, so he walked the dog.


i also greeted him every time, but he never did. so i stopped it for about half a year and i never greeted him from that day until yesterday. and now pay attention but not to the crate, but to what I write or say to you, that is to say:


recently, only the three of us were walking on the sidewalk (and in brackets i have counted a dog on a leash) and there was no way to avoid, so i greeted him again and watched very closely. his mustache facial expression kept his chin up to his neck, still and absolutely same. so i assume that this nonsense is his original way of saluting and maybe this is how he greeted me all the time. i'm on him because she's not a pretty woman, and not exactly at his chin for about half a year, so i thought she was rude and unhealthy.



so how do you think anybody or anybody will not heal you, try to say hello again and watch what he does with his chin!

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